Friday, September 5, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Another scene on it's way out.....
Friday, August 29, 2008
Skywatch Friday -- scene on it's way out....
You may have noticed that I'm fond of shooting over my shoulder in the mornings and evenings as I cross two bridges going to and coming home from work. The sunrise scenes will be changing soon. Both bridges are going to be replaced. In place of the 2-lane bridges, we'll have 4 lanes...I think we'll have two 2-lane bridges at each location. They've already started the end supports of one of them. So, this quiet little scene with the old boat pier will be history soon.......
Click the SkyWatch Friday logo above to see wonderful views of the sky from around the world!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ABC Wednesday -- F is for FISHING, of course!
OK, it's an easy out when you live on a lake! These are all cropped because nobody wanted to share their faces with you! All were taken right here on our dock or very near it. That's NOT me holding the one on the top right, but that's about the size I usually catch! LOL.
Click the ABC logo above to see more participant entries in ABC Wednesday!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Wood Duck Nesting Boxes
Our neighborhood has really gotten into our "Woodies" or Wood Ducks and we have several nesting boxes scattered around our cove. Some sources would say we have too many too close together. But the Woodies aren't reading those sources! This is a design enhanced by our own local Duck Lady. The first shows the hand carved male Woodie (not bad for an amateur carver!), the second shows the Plexiglas shield that holds the nest in the box while we sneak a peek occasionally (it can be lifted in it's slot for cleaning out an old nest) and the third shows it mounted over at Buster's house. It's been a very successful lake home!
What you can't see is the hardware cloth installed below the opening on the front. The babies use it to pull themselves up and out of the box when mama calls (within 24 hours of birth). They must fall at least 5 feet to get their little digestive systems started! It's amazing..they hit the water running to mama! See my sidebar link to Michelle's Rambling Woods, too. She just ran a beautiful series of photos of Wood Ducks with a great story!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Camera Critters Sunday -- get those skeeters!
I'm not really sure what this is, but someone said it was a "mosquito hawk". If that means it eats mosquitoes (or "skeeters" as some call them around here), then I'm all for it!
Click the CC logo above to see more Camera Critters from around the world today!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Sky Watch Friday -- Here I go again!
If you come around my blogs much, you know I'm a sucker for round hay bales and sunflowers! This was taken just south of Athens, Texas (our county seat). Click the SWF logo above for more views of this wonderful sky we share!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Odd Shot Monday: What's slithering down my walk?
My neighbor has been talking about seeing a black snake with a stripe down it's side just across the chainlink fence from our yard. Hmmmmm.
Click the logo above for more Odd Shots this Monday!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Camera Critter Catching Dinner
This fella has been wading around our cove for the last few days snatching minnows. Not sure if that's a delicacy or why he's hanging around here more often since the water got so shallow. They're certainly easier to swallow than some of the fish I've seen these guys catch!
Click on the logo above to see more Camera Critters from around the world.....
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Photo Hunt: Colorful -- to color or not to color?
When I saw today's theme for TnChick's Saturday Photo Hunt I started trying to find something that fits my blog AND her theme and this is what I came up with. I was goofing off a few weeks ago and took the same shot in vivid color and in sepia. Then I got the idea of cutting and pasting them together. At the time, it was just a goofy idea. Today suddenly it almost makes sense! LOL. Click on TnChick link above to see more Colorful entries.....probably LOTS more creative!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sky Watch Friday -- Not photogenic but beautiful!
I usually go for the glorious sunrises or sunsets, or the big fluffy white clouds, or the really ominous storm clouds. But today I'm over-joyed to bring just plain old rain clouds! This was taken about 7:30am ... still dark because WE'RE GETTING RAIN! I know that doesn't sound thrilling to many of you who have had way too much this year. But our lake is down 1.4 feet and we need the rain. This won't fill the lake but it will help...and it will certainly help our yards, which also helps the lake. Many water-front property owners have pumps that pump lake water to their sprinkler systems. So curl up in your favorite chair with a good book and enjoy the gentle rain with me! And imagine my sweet Corgi curled up under my chair because he hates the thunder!
For those glorious sunrises and sunsets and big fluffy clouds, click the SkyWatch Friday logo! I know I will!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
How do you do that?
Ever wonder what it takes to build or repair a boathouse? Oh come on, SURE you did. Well, here's how they get the heavy equipment to the site. It's sometimes a long, slow journey. This morning I kept hearing something that sounded like heavy equipment and at first thought (hopefully) that they were working on our road. But when I looked out the other side of the house, this is what I found! These shots were taken from my deck looking over to Buster's boathouse.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Guest Lake today!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Odd Shot Monday -- Only in Gun Barrel City?
Click the logo below for many more ODD SHOTS this Monday!

Sunday, August 10, 2008
Camera Critters Sunday -- Keep away from this one!
New rule for ants: If it's big enough to cast a shadow, keep away!
As I was getting into my car on Wednesday evening, I noticed this creature too close to my sandaled foot for comfort. I moved my foot and grabbed my camera from the car and started a pursuit. She apparently didn't want any part of the paparazzi as she immediately started a rapid retreat across the road. These photos aren't very good because she was moving quickly and I was trying to use the macro setting while keeping my bare toes away from her! Once she crossed the road, she quickly lost herself in the grass of a vacant lot. Saturday I remembered to ask my resident bug expert what I'd seen and was told that it was a"Cow Killer Ant" (also called Velvet Ant) and that it was a good thing I didn't let it sting me. A quick Google this morning turned up the following at "":
This is a Velvet Ant, a flightless female wasp that is commonly called a Cow Killer, and she stings like the dickens. Eric Eaton add: "Velvet ants can 'squeak' by rapidly rubbing their abdominal segments against one another, which might account for the "hissing" sound the submitter mentioned. Between the warning colors and the noise, you'd be foolish to pick one up"
Creep on over to Misty Dawn's to see more Camera Critters!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sky Watch Friday -- To crop or not to crop?
To crop or not to crop? That's often the question for me. I'm such a purist sometimes that I seem to think it's cheating to not publish exactly what I got.
But this crop does accent the sky more.
And this one accents the reflection of the sky on the water. I'm not a Bold Babooshka by any means and don't know enough photography rules to break them, but I do break the "one photo a day rule" regularly! And I'll keep on because I learn so much from you all when I ask for help! Which of these three would YOU have posted?
Click on the Sky Watch Friday logo above to see views of the sky from around the world!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Double take ---- Point n Shoot versus ART!
If I get her permission, I'll link her art site to this one!
UPDATE: I GOT IT! Check the Blog Links on the right side panel. I've got one for Aunt Nancy's site and one for her son's gallery, Chattham Gallery. Check 'em out!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
ABC Wednesday -- C is for Crescent Moon & CHALLENGE
I wanted to use today's post not only as an ABC Wednesday post but to use Mrs Nesbitt's large audience (I know she won't mind because she loves meeting new people and sharing the blog universe!) in order to share the following and passing on the Brillante Weblog award:
I want to thank Michelle at Rambling Woods for sharing this award with me! If you haven’t seen her blog, you MUST click on the logo and go there immediately! She is a wonderful photographer and writer and will open your eyes to seeing Nature around you.
I’m thrilled with the honor, but challenged by the rule that I must nominate 7 other bloggers! There are so many of you that I enjoy visiting! Michelle graciously gave us an “out” and I will do the same for those I’m nominating: You don’t HAVE TO do this! LOL.
SO, in no particular order:
1) RAF at Port Townsend Daily Photo, a man with multiple talents and life experiences that we all appreciate him sharing with us!
2) JIM at Terrell Daily Photo, one of the very first to visit and comment when I got started and faithful ever since. A great example of what a fellow blogger should be: talented and supportive!
3) BABOOSHKA at Ramsey Daily Photo, brilliant and funny and helpful to those of us with lesser talent! Also a faithful and supportive visitor to me and many, many others. If, like me, you're unfamiliar with the Isle of Man, prepare to be educated!
4) TOM at Ohio Nature Blog, who probably has no idea I’ve ever been there because I’m so poor at taking the time to comment. He has a wonderful nature blog you all must see!
5) JALYNN at Jaylynn's Window on Nature, another one I sneak in to see. Wonderful nature photography. Jalynn hails from Pennsylvania.
6) MICHELLE at Rocky Mountain Retreat, one of the first nature blogs I discovered when I started this. Remarkable person and photographer. As a fan of the Colorado Rockies, I love seeing the Canadian Rockies through Michelle's lens.
7) ZACH, at Zach-Attack Picture blog. OK, I’m really prejudiced about this one. This is my 18-year old nephew who is just barely getting started with blogging and I want us all to see his work and to encourage him!
And here are the rules for you seven if you choose to play:
Put the logo on your blog...
Add a link to the person who awarded you.
Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
Add links to those blogs on yours.
Leave a message for your nominees on their blog
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Sky Watch TUESDAY? Why not?
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Hummers like to play!
No way to do this scene justice with my G5 and my skills.....but it sure was fun to watch! We had the water sprinklers going and this little humming bird was having a ball bathing in the falling shower. She/he spread feathers I never knew they had! Flitting back and forth, pausing to drink from a leaf, it was just amazing to watch.
Head on over to Misty Dawn's Camera Critters Sunday blogspot for more critters from around the world!
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Photo Hunt: Clouds
My Sky Watch folder is filling up, so I thought I'd post this one for TnChick's Theme --- she hosts the Saturday Photo Hunt meme. Check 'em out!
Friday, August 1, 2008
August Theme: Metal / Sky Watch Friday
Double Theme today! It's the monthly City Daily Photo theme day and this month the theme is METAL. Check out all the participants below to see creative interpretations from around the world. Every Friday is Sky Watch Theme day, so be sure to also click the SkyWatch Friday logo for more entries from around the world. I chose these huge metal power towers beside the Trinity River in Trinidad. I shot this at sunset Thursday night from the bridge.
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
Albuquerque (NM), USA by Helen, Aliso Viejo (CA), USA by Rodney, American Fork (UT), USA by Annie, Anderson (SC), USA by Lessie, Ararat, Australia by freefalling, Arradon, France by Alice, Aspen (CO), USA by IamMBB, Athens, Greece by Debbie, Auckland, New Zealand by Baruch, Auckland, New Zealand by Lachezar, Austin (TX), USA by LB, Bandung, Indonesia by Harry Makertia, Bandung, Indonesia by Eki Akhwan, Bandung, Indonesia by Bunyamin, Barrow-in-Furness, UK by Enitharmon, Barton (VT), USA by Andree, Bellefonte (PA), USA by Barb-n-PA, Bicheno, Australia by Greg, Birmingham (AL), USA by VJ, Bogor, Indonesia by Gagah, Boston (MA), USA by Cluelessinboston, Brantford (ON), Canada by Nancy, Bucharest, Romania by Malpraxis, Budapest, Hungary by Zannnie and Zsolt, Budapest, Hungary by agrajag, Budapest, Hungary by Isadora, Buenos Aires, Argentina by Karine, Canterbury, UK by Rose, Chandler (AZ), USA by Melindaduff, Château-Gontier, France by Laurent, Chateaubriant, France by Bergson, Cheltenham, UK by Marley, Chennai, India by Ram N, Chesapeake (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Cincinnati, USA by Erik Laursen, City of the Blue Mountains, Australia by Richard, Corsicana (TX), USA by Lake Lady, East Gwillimbury, Canada by Your EG Tour Guide, Edinburgh, UK by Dido, Edmonton (AL), Canada by , Evry, France by Olivier, Folkestone, UK by Piskie, Forks (WA), USA by Corinne, Fort Lauderdale (FL), USA by Gigi, Gabriola, Canada by Snapper, Geneva (IL), USA by Kelly, Greenville (SC), USA by Denton, Grenoble, France by Bleeding Orange, Gun Barrel City (TX), USA by Lake Lady, Hamilton, New Zealand by Sakiwi, Hampton (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Haninge, Sweden by Steffe, Hanoi, Vietnam by Jérôme, Helsinki, Finland by Kaa, Hobart, Australia by Greg, Hyde, UK by Old Hyde, Hyde, UK by Gerald, Jackson (MS), USA by Halcyon, Jefferson City (MO), USA by Chinamom2005, Jerusalem, Israel by Esther, Kansas City (MO), USA by Cate B, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia by Edwin, Kyoto, Japan by Tadamine, Lakewood (OH), USA by mouse, Larchmont (NY), USA by Marie-Noyale, Las Vegas (NV), USA by Mo, Leipzig, Germany by weltbeschreiber, Lisbon, Portugal by Sailor Girl, Lisbon, Portugal by Maria João, London, UK by Ham, London, UK by Mo, Lynchburg (VA), USA by June, Mainz, Germany by JB, Manila, Philippines by Heyokity, Mashhad, Iran by Meead, Melbourne, Australia by John, Melbourne, Australia by Mblamo, Menton, France by Jilly, Mesa (AZ), USA by Mesa Daily Photo, Mexico City, Mexico by Carraol, Middletown (MD), USA by Bernie, Milwaukee (WI), USA by karl, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Scott, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Mitch, Minneapolis (MN), USA by Greg, Misawa, Japan by misawa mama, Molfetta, Italy by saretta, Monte Carlo, Monaco by Jilly, Monterrey, Mexico by rafa, Mumbai, India by MumbaiiteAnu, Mumbai, India by Magiceye, Nancy, France by yoshi, Nashville (TN), USA by Chris, Nelson, New Zealand by Meg and Ben, New Delhi, India by Delhi Photo Diary, New Orleans (LA), USA by steve buser, New York City (NY), USA by Ming the Merciless, New York City (NY), USA by • Eliane •, New York City (NY), USA by Kitty, Newport News (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Norfolk (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Norwich, UK by Goddess888, Ocean Township (NJ), USA by Josy, Oklahoma City (OK), USA by ananda.tashie, Orlando (FL), USA by OrlFla, Owasso (OK), USA by Jennifer, Palos Verdes (CA), USA by tash, Paris, France by Eric, Pasadena (CA), USA by Can8ianben, Pasadena (CA), USA by Petrea, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia by Murphy_jay, Petoskey (MI), USA by Christie, Philadelphia (PA), USA by Stephanie Craig, Phoenix (AZ), USA by Cheryl, Phoenix (AZ), USA by Sharon, Pilisvörösvár, Hungary by Elise, Port Angeles (WA), USA by Jelvistar, Port Vila, Vanuatu by Mblamo, Portsmouth (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Prague, Czech Republic by Honza03, Pretoria, South Africa by Sam-Ruth, Quezon City, Philippines by ann pablo, Quincy (MA), USA by slim, Ramsey, Isle of Man by babooshka, Rancho Palos Verdes (CA), USA by Sarah Adams, Riga, Latvia by Riga Photos, Rotterdam, Netherlands by Ineke, Rouen, France by Bbsato, Saigon, Vietnam by Simon, Saint Louis (MO), USA by Strangetastes, Saint Paul (MN), USA by Kate, Salem (OR), USA by jill, Salt Lake City (UT), USA by atc, San Antonio (TX), USA by Kramer, San Diego (CA), USA by Felicia, San Francisco (CA), USA by PFranson, Schenectady (NY), USA by Buck, Seattle (WA), USA by Kim, Seattle (WA), USA by Chuck, Seguin (TX), USA by Thien, Selma (AL), USA by RamblingRound, Sequim (WA), USA by Eponabri, Sesimbra, Portugal by Aldeia, Setúbal, Portugal by Maria Elisa, Sharon (CT), USA by Jenny, Singapore, Singapore by Zannnie, Singapore, Singapore by Keropok, Sofia, Bulgaria by Antonia, South Pasadena (CA), USA by Laurie, Springfield (IL), USA by Aubrey, Stanwood (WA), USA by MaryBeth, Stavanger, Norway by Tanty, Stayton (OR), USA by Celine, Stockholm, Sweden by Stromsjo, Stouffville, Canada by Ken, Subang Jaya, Malaysia by JC, Suffolk (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Sunshine Coast, Australia by bitingmidge, Sydney, Australia by Ann, Sydney, Australia by Sally, Sydney, Australia by Julie, Székesfehérvár, Hungary by Teomo, Tamarindo, Costa Rica by David, Tempe (AZ), USA by angie, Terrell (TX), USA by Jim K, Tokyo, Japan by Tadamine, Torun, Poland by Torun Observer, Torun, Poland by Glenn, Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina by Jazzy, Twin Cities (MN), USA by Slinger, Victoria, Canada by Benjamin Madison, Vienna, Austria by G_mirage2, Villigen, Switzerland by z, Virginia Beach (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Wailea (HI), USA by Kuanyin, Washington (DC), USA by D.C. Confidential, Wellington, New Zealand by Jeremyb, West Paris (ME), USA by crittoria, West Sacramento (CA), USA by Barbara, Weston (FL), USA by WestonDailyPhoto, Williamsburg (VA), USA by ptowngirl, Willits (CA), USA by Elaine, Yardley (PA), USA by Mrlynn,
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Does it get any better than this?
Lately it's too hot to be outside during most of the day. We've been at 100 degrees F or more every day for at least a week and not much hope of anything less anytime soon. But once the sun starts down, it becomes a little more bearable. And when we get to see a sunset like this one, it's worth the wait!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
ABC Wednesday -- B is for Bird Watching
Am I watching the birds? Are they watching me? Are we both watching the sunrise? YES!
Click the link above to see MrsNesbitt's ABC Wednesday post and links to MANY others! Be sure to thank her for hosting and check out the shiny NEW ABC Wednesday blogspot!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Odd Shots Monday -- Time for upgrade?
I think my froggy friend has outgrown his quarters, don't you? He looks a little befuddled by it.
Head on over to Katney's Kaboodle for more Odd Shots this Monday!
Windy Start to Spring..Mar 18
Probably not the best day to start this blog.....