Monday, July 14, 2008

Odd Shots Monday

How many places do you go and find a chili pepper playing the piano? Well, it's not as uncommon in Texas as in some other places, I'm sure, but I still thought it would rate as an ODD SHOT this Monday! My sister and brother-in-law both hit their 50th birthdays recently, so they had a combined 100th Birthday Party this weekend at the Jalapeno Tree in Longview. This is a small chain of restaurants and we have one here in Gun Barrel City, too.

Head on over to Katney's Kaboodle for more Odd Shots! But you can leave your birthday greetings for J&D here! Have a great Monday!


Katney said...

It's not something I have seen before.

Profile Not Available said...

Too funny!

raf said...

Love it, Lake Lady! Looks like my kinda place. I'll have to look for it when we're down there.

Kris McCracken said...

If I wasn’t already married, and it was allowed, I would ask that first chilli there to marry me. He’s just so dashing!

Anonymous said...

Very clever photos. I like the characters. My mom moved to Texas and began eating red hot chili peppers like people eat a banana. Didn't seem to faze her.

Thanks for the visit.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh they would a hot bunch to hang around with. Think the Red hot chilli peppers had better look out.
Have you noticed Kris has a very odd way of looking at things, even with this very odd shot.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh they would a hot bunch to hang around with. Think the Red hot chilli peppers had better look out.
Have you noticed Kris has a very odd way of looking at things, even with this very odd shot.

Kris McCracken said...

Babooshka, he's just such a handsome devil!

Windy Start to Spring..Mar 18

Windy Start to Spring..Mar 18
Probably not the best day to start this blog.....